A father sees his 5 year old son praying in the middle of the night


A father sees his 5 year old son praying in the middle of the night

He finds it odd but listens closely to it. The kid was praying 'Good night mommy, good night daddy, good night granny, bye bye grandpa'. The father finds it weird but doesn't think much about it. The next day he hears that his father in law is dead. The father finds it abnormal but thinks that it is just a coincidence.

A few weeks later the father again finds his son praying in the middle of the night ' Good night mommy, goodnight daddy, bye bye granny'. The next day he hears that his mother in law died in the middle of the day. The father now thinks that his son can predict the future and becomes scared of it.

A few weeks later, the father again finds his son praying but this time it was just 'goodnight mommy, bye bye daddy'. The father now loses his mind and becomes scared. He runs out of the house in the night. The father thinks that since it is his last day, he might as well live life for once. He spends the next day outdoors enjoying the nature one last time. The day ends and night arrives, but nothing happened.

The father is overjoyed and thinks to himself that his son was wrong and the earlier predictions were just coincidences. He rushes home to his family. The wife asks him ' Stu where the hell where you?, I have been calling you all day long on the damn phone'. He says ' I was just having a bad day'.

The wife tells him 'You think you were having a bad day, well try this, today my boss dropped dead in front of me in the middle of the day'

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