A young virgin woman from very religious puritan family walks down the street.


A young virgin woman from very religious puritan family walks down the street.

A young virgin woman from very religious puritan family walks down the street. When she passes a taxi stop she overhears one taxi driver saying to other: "Wow, I would love to shag that girl!" She gets home and she asks her mother: "Mom, what does the word SHAG mean?" Her puritan mother gets all red from shame, and asks: "Who said this to you?" Girl answers: "Taxi driver said that he would love to shag me" Mother thinks a bit and says: "Well TO SHAG means to give you a lift in the taxi driver jargon". Few days later mother says to her daughter: "Dear, would you please go to the taxi stop and ask how much will it cost for me, grandma, you and our dog Bingo to get to the train station" Girl goes to the taxi stop, approaches taxi driver and asks: "Hello sir! How much will it cost for you to shag me, my mother, my grandma and our dog Bingo?" Taxi driver: "You and your mom I will shag for free, but as for your granny - let the Bingo do the shagging!"

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