Stepdaughter Tells Pregnant Stepmom to Get Rid of Her Baby, Father Takes His Daughter’s Side


Stepdaughter Tells Pregnant Stepmom to Get Rid of Her Baby, Father Takes His Daughter’s Side

of their unborn baby. He justified it by saying they were not in a good place financially and that he had just started a new job on top of them already having two children.

Pregnant husband and wife fighting | Source: Shutterstock

Pregnant husband and wife fighting | Source: Shutterstock

After three days, the woman’s husband finally texted her and said they needed to talk. She told him to meet her on a neutral property because she didn’t want him at her parent’s house, which had become her safe place.

A man packing moving boxes | Source: Shutterstock

A man packing moving boxes | Source: Shutterstock

When they met, she told him she wanted him and his children out of her home. She had bought it before the couple married, and she told him none were welcome any longer. Unfortunately, shortly after she kicked her husband out, the woman miscarried the baby.

A few years later, she updated the post, saying she had divorced her husband and had a child with an ex-boyfriend of hers, whom she had broken up with because of college. Although she was not in a relationship with the father of her child, she was happy and said he was a great parent.

A pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

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