A Nun was taking a bath when there was a knock at the door

A Nun was taking a bath when there was a knock at the door

 A Nun was taking a bath when there was a knock at the door. "Who is it?" She asked. The voice back replies "It's the blind man, can I come in?" The Nun thinks for a moment and says "yes that's fine". The door opens and the man says.

Nice tits, where you want me to hang the blinds?

Joke 02

A chap was driving around town desperately looking for a parking space. 

He was late for his appointment and starting to panic as all spaces were taken. He looked heavenward and called out. 'Lord help me, I need a space. I'll give up loose women, booze and go to church every Sunday if you find me a space'! Just then a car pulls out from the kerb leaving a space. 'Ok Lord, you can scrub that idea, I've just found one'.


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